We Love Weekday


First Focus

We Love Weekday

Let the little children come to me, and forbid them not; for such is the kingdom of heaven.

Weekday 1When Jesus said these words, he spoke to busy disciples trying to keep him away from children. The instructions still challenge us today. Our church has a tremendous ministry with parents and children of unreached families in communities. Each morning bright and early, they line up along Duval Street, drop off on their way to work, and pick up each evening. Most of us see them only on Wednesdays as we pass by. They are the Weekday families and staff who are part of our ministry at First Baptist.

This week marks the ceremonial end to the Weekday school year. Although students attend year-round, on Friday, we graduate another class prepared for Kindergarten. This year 22 students graduate from our program. We have 151 currently enrolled, taught, and loved by 47 staff members. Of the families that participate in our program, 49 of them indicate no church involvement. That’s over half of Weekday families with no church home.

There are churches who would beg to have 10 unchurched families visit in the year. Each day, nearly fifty drive, drop, and participate in the life of First Baptist. Many of the mothers work within walking distance of our church. I’m grateful for a staff and Weekday committee who understand this challenge and opportunity at our doorstep. Last week, our pastoral staff hosted Weekday orientation for each of these families. They saw a wonderful display of ministry opportunities, were invited to be a part of Vacation Bible School, and networked with our team. This Friday, we’ll participate in commencement ceremonies together. Each Wednesday night, our deacons rotate responsibilities to assist Weekday families with pickup during the busiest times of our ministry week on campus. If you follow our financial reports closely enough, you also know that Weekday consistently meets their budget and is a good steward of the financial resources of our church.

You’re always invited to drop by for a tour and meet our teachers. They love to have guests, and they are eager to involve FBC volunteers. Just check with Rhonda Smith and Debra Speights ahead of time to arrange a visit. In the meantime, pray for this ministry and the people involved. We will be reaching out specifically to these families for VBS, sports camp, and our fall kickoff. Demonstrate your love for Tallahassee with love for our Weekday families and staff.