Common Questions

Common Questions

What should I wear?

There is no dress code for attendance at our services. All are welcome to come as you are! To make you feel more comfortable fitting in, the 9 AM worship service is more formal (suit & tie), while the 11:15 worship service is more casual (khakis & jeans).

Do you have to be a member to partake in the Lord’s Supper?

First Baptist Church welcomes all followers of Christ to the Lord’s table.

What are the church office hours?

If you would like to visit us during the week, our offices are open Monday-Thursday, 8 AM until 5 PM, and Fridays 8 AM until 12 PM. Our pastoral staff members are available Monday through Thursday. For security purposes, all doors to our buildings are kept locked during the week. Guests should use the panel on the far left doors (on the Duval and Adams side of the welcome center) for access to the building via our front desk.

Where should I park?

Everyone is encouraged to park in the Kleman Plaza parking garage, just a block away from our property and free on Sundays! Entrances are on Duval Street and Bronough Street. We also have spaces on our property that are reserved for first-time guests, the disabled, and the elderly each Sunday.

Is it okay to bring children to a worship service?

We encourage children to learn and be involved in corporate worship, and you are more than welcome to bring your child at any age. For your convenience, childcare is provided for children from birth through kindergarten, from 9:30 – 11:45 AM. First through fifth graders participate in the regular Sunday morning schedule: 9:30 AM Worship, 10:45 AM Bible study.

How do I become a Christian?

A Christian is a disciple, or follower, of Jesus Christ. To be a Christian means to trust and follow Jesus and obey His commands. To become a Christian, or be saved, the Bible says that you must repent and believe. While salvation begins with a decision to trust in Christ, a Christian continues with a lifetime devoted to obeying Jesus.

We encourage you to speak with one of our ministers and discuss what it means for you to follow Jesus. Please call our church office at (850) 222-5470 to be connected with a member of our pastoral staff or contact us.

What does it mean to be a Baptist?

We follow the biblical example and command of Jesus by practicing baptism of believers by immersion into water. Baptists believe in an individual’s personal responsibility to follow Christ, the autonomy of each local church, the freedom and responsibility of each Christian to interpret scripture, religious liberty, and the separation of church and state.

How do I request use of your facilities?

Just contact us and choose “Event/facility request” as the Reason for Contact.  If you would like to promote your event in our church communications, please also “Submit an announcement.”