Saturday AM (9:30-10:45)
the gospel and relationships
Laura Summerlin
This session will examine how God’s Word and a saving relationship with Jesus Christ can (and should) inform our relationships. Does the gospel give us guidelines on how to healthily interact with others in our families, in our social/intimate relationships, and in our professions? Most definitely. It also gives us the power to change anything that does not line up with an understanding of grace and obedience.
the gospel and marriage
Jim & Pam Cooke
The Bible talks quite a bit about how we should treat other people. What if your spouse is “other people”?
the gospel and stewardship
Zach Allen
One of the most convicting characteristics of Jesus’ life was that He was never too busy to be interrupted. In a world that continues to press our time and schedules that continue to demand more, we will discuss how can we steward the time, talents, and resources we have been given by God to be intentionally involved in bringing the gospel to those in our lives.
the gospel and the arts
Grace Colley, Bev DeMello, Penny Folsom, Anna Marie Friars, Omar Herrera
The influence of the arts on our culture, especially music, television, and movies, has never been more immediate or more pervasive. In this context, how can the arts in the 21st century continue to be inspired by the gospel and used to share the gospel?
the gospel and objections
Josh Hall
While some eagerly accept the message of the gospel, others can be reluctant to respond with belief and trust. In this session, we will discuss common objections to the gospel and how you can answer each with grace and truth.