Capitol Bells Spring Concert


Capitol Bells Spring Concert

Looking for something a little different? Our Tallahassee community handbell choir, Capitol Bells, will be presenting their Spring Concert,”Elements,” in the FBCTLH Sanctuary on Monday evening, May 6 at 6:00PM.

Capitol Bells was initially sponsored by the First Baptist Music Ministry and we continue to enjoy a happy and mutually beneficial relationship with this exceptional group. Capitol Bells has had the distinction of being invited by the FSU Choral Department to participate in its December “Seasonal Celebration” for a number of years and they are regular participants in FBCTLH’s Ring in the Season. They have also become well known in Tallahassee and surrounding communities through their concerts at churches, assisted living facilities, and a variety of civic and commercial venues.

Capitol Bells is directed by Claudia Dew. You will be amazed at the music they make!

For more information, contact: Penny Folsom