FBCTLH hosts the God Squad


FBCTLH hosts the God Squad

  • Location: First Baptist Church Fellowship Hall

The Village Square’s God Squad will present “Ten Paces at High Noon” on Friday, Feb. 21, at 12 PM in our Fellowship Hall.

We have become a most tediously offended people, and we’re also trigger-happy. Provoked by even the slightest offense, we’re on a hair trigger that sends us into conjuring up “us vs. them” and “good vs. evil” thinking and language. Of course, we’re quick to assign ill will and bad behavior to “those people,” while simultaneously ignoring the very same behavior in people who see things our way. Surely we can do better than this as a society. And thank goodness the God Squad has a thing or two to say about it.

The program will be facilitated by Pastor Josh Hall of First Baptist Church, who will be joined by God Squad regulars Father Tim Holeda of the Co-Cathedral of St. Thomas More; Pastor Latricia Scriven of St. Paul’s United Methodist Church; Pastor Joseph Davis Jr. of Truth Gatherers Community Church; and Rabbi Paul Sidlofsky and Stefanie Posner, both of Temple Israel.

God Squad programs are $10 (free registration available) and a reservation is required. To learn more or to register, visit tlh.villagesquare.us.