Single Adults

Upcoming Events for Single Adults

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Single Adults

Many single adults in the Tallahassee community are looking for the right place and people to connect with in meaningful relationships. SingleFocus is a group of people 40 and older who love life and know how to live it well.

Our group includes never-been-married and single-again diverse and dynamic men and women. Through Bible study and fellowships we build friendships in a godly environment as we encourage each other and live life together. We have several opportunities for Bible study during the week so we encourage you to find the group that is right for you.

Single adults in their 20s and 30s are invited to check out our Young Adults ministry.

Sunday Mornings

  • Women’s Career Class

    Location: Adams 332

    Leader: Aundrea Scott, Linda Smith

  • Growing Stronger Together

    Location: Adams 321

    Leader: Lissa Cone


If you or someone you know is hurting then make sure they know about DivorceCare, a weekly seminar and support group for people who are separated or divorced. It incorporates the use of a facilitator, videos, discussions, and a workbook. Anyone may join the group at any time during the 13 weeks. DivorceCare may be offered during the spring and fall. Contact Shane Monroe (x201) for more information about when the class will be offered.


Week at a Glance

sun9:30 am
Worship Service
sun10:45 am
Sunday Morning Adult Bible Study
wed6:00 pm