Operation Christmas Child

Operation Christmas Child

About Operation Christmas Child

There is such a profound need to reach the children of the world with the gospel. Children are the most overlooked segment of our global population and are the largest unreached people group. Operation Christmas Child is a ministry of Samaritan’s Purse that brings the joy and hope of eternal life to children suffering from poverty, war, disease, natural disaster, and terrorism. Millions of people who prepare shoebox gifts, pray and serve as OCC volunteers are impacting millions of children, families, and villages to the ends of the earth. In addition to hearing the Gospel before the child receives their shoebox gift, they also receive The Greatest Gift, which is a picture book that shares the message of salvation in their language. The ministry of Operation Christmas Child provides the opportunity for people from all age groups in our church to fulfill the Great Commission and it’s a tangible way to help equip churches around the world in outreach and church planting.

For even more information about OCC, and the reach and effectiveness of this ministry around the world, click here!

    • Thank you for helping to fill boxes and reach the children of the world with the gospel!
  • Have questions? Contact Jacob Chilton


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