Welcome to Worship!
9:30 AM
- Prelude – Rondo Jubilate / Douglas E. Wagner
- Call to Worship – Psalm 18:1-3
- *Hymn 477 – We Are Called to Be God’s People
- Greeting
- Welcome, Scripture, and Prayer
- Anthem – Lord, Here Am I / John Ness Beck
- *Hymn of Mission – Facing a Task Unfinished
- *Hymn of Mission – For the Cause
- Sermon – “Go and Tell” 2 Kings 6:24-7:16
- *Hymn 581 – I Love to Tell the Story
- Benediction
- *Doxology – Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow
- Postlude – Trumpet Tune in F / Alice Jordan
- *Congregation is asked to stand.
The flowers in the Sanctuary are given by Teresa White and her siblings in memory of their parents, Edwin and Shirley, who taught them to love the Lord our God with all their hearts.WORSHIP LEADERS
- Dr. Jeff Ginn, VP for Mobilization for the International Mission Board
- Josh Hall, Interim Senior Pastor
- Greg Williams, Associate Pastor of Music Ministries
- Lisa Foltz, Organist
- Amy Parker, Pianist
- Youth Choir
- Praise Team
- Chamber Players
- Sue Mercer, Interpreter
Thank you for worshiping at FBCTLH today! If this is your first or second time visiting, please fill out a Connect Card below and let us know you were here. It would be an honor to get to know more about you and share a little more about FBCTLH’s mission as a church. #loveTLH
We are called to be God’s people,
Showing by our lives His grace,
One in heart and one in spirit,
Sign of hope for all the race.
Let us show how He has changed us
And remade us as His own.
Let us share our life together
As we shall around the throne.We are called to be God’s servants,
Working in the world today:
Taking His own tasks upon us,
All His sacred words obey.
Let us rise, then, to His summons,
Dedicate to Him our all,
That we may be faithful servants,
Quick to answer now His call.We are called to be God’s prophets,
Speaking for the truth and right,
Standing firm for godly justice,
Bringing evil into the light.
Let us seek the courage needed,
Our high calling to fulfill,
That we all may know the blessing
Of the doing of God’s will.
Song #137367
Franz Joseph Haydn, Thomas A. Jackson
© 1975 Broadman Press (Admin. by Music Services, Inc.)
CCLI #380437
Facing a task unfinished that drives us to our knees,
A need that, undiminished, rebukes our slothful ease.
We, who rejoice to know Thee, renew before Thy throne
The solemn pledge we owe Thee to go and make Thy known.Where other lords beside Thee hold their unhindered sway;
Where forces that defied Thee, defy Thee still today,
With none to heed their crying for life and love and light,
Unnumbered souls are dying and pass into the night.We go to all the world with kingdom hope unfurled.
No other name has power to save, but Jesus Christ, the Lord.We bear the torch that flaming, fell from the hands of those
Who gave their lives proclaiming that Jesus died and rose.
Ours is the same commission, the same glad message ours;
Fired by the same ambition, to Thee we yield our powers.We go to all the world with kingdom hope unfurled.
No other name has power to save, but Jesus Christ, the Lord.O Father, who sustained them, O Spirit, who inspired,
Savior, whose love constrained them to toil with zeal untired,
From cowardice defend us, from lethargy awake!
Forth on Thine errands send us to labor for Thy sake.We go to all the world with kingdom hope unfurled.
No other name has power to save, but Jesus Christ, the Lord.We go to all the world with kingdom hope unfurled.
No other name has power to save, but Jesus Christ, the Lord.
Song # 7002026
Ed Cash, Fionan De Barra, Frank Houghton, Keith Getty, Kristyn Getty, Samuel Wesley
© 2015 Alletrop Music | De Barra, Fionan | Gettymusic | OMF International (UK) (Admin. by Music Services))
CCLI #380437
For the cause of Christ, the King,
We give our lives, an offering
‘Til all the earth resounds with ceaseless praise to the Son.For the cause of Christ we go,
With joy to reap, with faith to sow
As many see and many put their trust in the Son.Christ, we proclaim, the Name above every name,
For all creation, every nation,
God’s salvation through the Son!For the King once lifted high
To cries of rage, “of crucify!”
Endured the cross as every sin was laid on the Son.To the King who conquered death,
To free the poor and the oppressed.
For lasting peace, For life and liberty in the Son.Christ, we proclaim, the Name above every name,
For all creation, every nation,
God’s salvation through the Son!Let it be my life’s refrain:
To live is Christ, to die is gain.
Deny myself, take up my cross and follow the Son.Christ, we proclaim, the Name above every name,
For all creation, every nation,
God’s salvation through the Son!Christ, we proclaim, the Name above every name,
For all creation, every nation,
God’s salvation through the Son!I LOVE TO TELL THE STORY
I love to tell the story of unseen things above,
Of Jesus and His glory, of Jesus and His love:
I love to tell the story because I know ‘tis true;
It satisfies my longings as nothing else can do.I love to tell the story,
‘Twill be my theme in glory
To tell the old, old story
Of Jesus and His love.I love to tell the story; ‘tis pleasant to repeat
What seems, each time I tell it, more wonderfully sweet:
I love to tell the story, for some have never heard
The message of salvation from God’s own holy Word.I love to tell the story,
‘Twill be my theme in glory
To tell the old, old story
Of Jesus and His love.I love to tell the story; for those who know it best
Seem hungering and thirsting to hear it, like the rest:
And when, in scenes of glory, I sing the new, new song,
‘Twill be the old, old story that I have loved so long.I love to tell the story,
‘Twill be my theme in glory
To tell the old, old story
Of Jesus and His love.DOXOLOGY
Praise God from whom all blessings flow,
Praise Him, all creatures here below.
Praise Him above the heavenly host,
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.