Second Quarter Report


First Focus

Second Quarter Report

Thanks for your faithfulness and generosity in the second quarter of 2013. In May, I asked you to help us catch up the budget. As of June 30, we have increased our giving over last year by 7.9%. Our budget receipts are $1,207,143. Budget requirements year-to-date are $1,219,150. Our expenses have been running ahead of budget, but that’s due in part to a major repair of the water well that is essential to our entire air conditioning system. Currently, our expenses are $1,339,945.

You have also been very generous in your benevolence gifts. We received $9,501 for the Florida Baptist Children’s Home Mother’s Day offering and $13,451 for the Benevolence offering the lung transplant for C.C. Wood. I can’t tell you how excited that makes me, and certainly the Lord has blessed our congregation abundantly.

Along the way, we’ve put your gifts to good use. We’ve assisted with the local crisis in homeless services and partnered with many other churches and organizations to help fill the gap for those who have been displaced by the closing of the Haven. Our Youth Choir has had a successful trip to Boston. They touched the lives of nursing home residents and homeless, and just as significantly helped each other grow in their walks with Christ. Our Vacation Bible School and Basketball/Cheer Camp in the CLC welcomed over 200 children and another 80 volunteers and staff working hard to share the gospel with little ones. Centrifuge was a great success in South Carolina. This week over 40 people are in Waterloo, Illinois serving with Builders for Christ.

The second quarter is always a challenging time for staff, volunteers, and ministries. We pack a lot into the months of April—June to train lives for Jesus Christ.

During the third quarter, we will be called to impact people for Christ. Just as the Builders for Christ trip is already serving, the Haiti group leaves in a couple of weeks. As the Fall semester begins in August, we launch a major worship, Bible study, and mission initiative called “Love Tallahassee” that will run through mid-October. I am looking forward to all that God is going to do. We cannot do it without your gifts. Thank you!