Welcome to the new FBCTLH.org
Well hey there! You found us. Welcome to First Baptist Church of Tallahassee’s virtual home. Here we live for Christ and love Tallahassee. This site is just a small picture of who we are. It’s like driving around any neighborhood in North Florida. You can connect with a few people, see what the house looks like on the outside, learn a bit about the neighbors, and see some of the great things that are happening.
At fbctlh.org, you can do the same. You’ll read about some of the great events going on, connect with our incredible staff team, read a few of our beliefs, and see some of the incredible things that God is doing here. You can fill out the online form to get more information and volunteer to help on one of our upcoming projects. Check out the menu to see what’s cooking at the CLC Café. Share generously with your financial resources through our online giving page. You can request prayer or get even more information about following Christ…all in one place.
Of course, the best part is yet to come. After you’ve checked us out online, be sure to drop by the real thing. You’ll find FBC TLH people all over the Big Bend region, serving and sharing in Jesus’ name. But if you want to see them in one place, drive downtown to check us out at 108 West College Avenue. Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights are worth the drive to have the chance to join a community of people launching out to love Tallahassee. We are right in the heart of a vibrant city. God has called us to neighbor the downtown, impact our university campuses, workout in our gym, learn and study the scriptures, and serve those Christ sends our way.
As always, if you can’t find what you’re looking for on the site, just send us an email, and one of our staff will get back with you soon. In the meantime, welcome to the neighborhood. I can’t wait to meet you.