Kingdom Assignments Begin


First Focus
Kingdom Assignments Begin

Kingdom Assignments Begin

In the 1980 hit movie The Blues Brothers, Dan Akroyd and the late John Belushi play the role of two brothers who reunite their band to save the orphanage they grew up in. As Jake and Elwood memorably share with anyone who will listen, “We’re on a mission from God.”

On Sunday, October 13, nearly 300 of you committed to a Kingdom Assignment, one way Christ can change Tallahassee through you. It’s almost a bit presumptuous to think that one person could make that much of a difference, or even to think that we know already what that mission is. When you read Ephesians 2:10, however, you begin to notice that we do have work to do. Part of God’s plan is to take a step of faith obediently in that direction.

Each one is inspiring. They come from every age group in the church. For example, a child wants to invite a neighbor to church. A senior adult wants to be more involved in Sabal Palm. Most people are working on individual service projects across the community and around the world. The rest of the assignments fall into six major categories: Work and School Evangelism; Neighborhood Ministry; Sabal Palm Elementary; Campus Ministry; Senior Adult Ministry; and Homeless Ministry. It’s exciting to see what might emerge from these commitments in the days to come.

These cards will be displayed in the Welcome Center through Thanksgiving. Each Sunday, you’ll have a chance to hear from one person who will share, “My kingdom assignment is _________.” If you would like to share, be sure to tell Penny Folsom or Pam Cooke. Feel free to also submit yours to Erin Westberry to be included on our website or Facebook page.

Next week, I’ll share one Kingdom Assignment that is already taking shape in the neighborhood. It’s another sign that we’re on a mission from God.