Minister of Pastoral Community
At the business meeting June 24, our Personnel Committee will be recommending Rhonda Smith to be our new Minister of Pastoral Community. Rhonda has served faithfully for 18 years as our Minister of Children. Although she did not seek this new position, she was open to the Spirit’s leadership when the search committee approached her about the position. I am delighted that she has accepted. Upon approval by the church, she will complete her work as Minister of Children on July 5. After a brief sabbatical, she will begin her new role as Minister of Pastoral Community on August 2.
The Minister of Pastoral Community is a new position for our church. It’s a full time role that works with the following age groups: Senior Adults ages 70+ and Single Adults ages 40+, churchwide adult discipleship groups, homebound, and pastoral care. She will also serve as a staff liaison and resource person for women’s ministries, Senior adult ministry, WOM, WMU, the prayer ministry, and any future men’s ministries. As a staff liaison, she will be the reference point in the office when these ministries are coordinating events with staff, communicating to our church and community, and needing resources. John Rice and Rhonda will share a new administrative assistant who will also serve these areas of ministry and be a contact person in the office for ministry needs. That seems like a big job, and it is. This position will stretch us as a church, but I feel confident that Rhonda is up to the task.
Please join me in thanking our search team who has led this process. They have worked diligently and prayerfully to make this decision. Please thank John Rice for his leadership as our Interim Minister of Senior Adults and SingleFocus. Going forward, as John hands the Minister of Pastoral Community reigns to Rhonda, he will continue to serve married adults ages 40-69 as part of his role as Executive Pastor. All age groups in our church will have a Pastoral Staff member that works with them to fulfill God’s vision for our church.
Rhonda is leaving the children’s ministry in good hands. We already have an excellent team of volunteers and staff that worked each day to share the gospel with children families. Debra Speights leads a fantastic Weekday Ministry. In the interim, Cindy Fernald will be the Volunteer Coordinator of the children’s ministry. Sarah Latimer is chairing our search for a new Minister of Children. Please pray for these folks as we cover many bases to prepare for a new school year. Following Bible School, we will continue the Wednesday night programs uninterrupted throughout the summer.
We are blessed to have so many capable, qualified, and called people to serve on our Pastoral Staff. I look forward to following God’s leadership as we seek his will in our children’s ministries.