A Merciful Performance
Today, we listened to Zechariah’s sermon and hymn in Luke 1:67-80. For 9 months, Zechariah waited to preach this message. The old preacher’s — and new father’s — words are still relevant today. He explains that the way God changed the world back then is what he’s doing now. God not only wants us to live for him because of the mercy he’s shown us; God also wants us to live mercifully the way God does.
God’s mercy is like the dawn of a new day breaking on the horizon. Indeed, it’s a SONrise of mercy from the manger. His work has seven characteristics
- Redeems us
- Keeps his promises
- Saves us from enemies and those who hate us
- Grants us clemency for doing wrong
- Makes us holy and righteous
- Saves us
- Forgives our sins
When it’s easy to give into the dark shadows of our world, and assume the weapons of our world will fix our darkness, God’s light from Bethlehem shines a path to salvation. He shows us the Way to live when Mary give’s birth to Jesus. Awaken to God’s movement of mercy around you today.