Back in the summer of 2009, the Young Adults of First Baptist Church took a mission trip to rural Costa Rica and planned to return to the same community the next summer. However, following the January 2010 earthquake that devastated Haiti, we decided to join with the international disaster response and took our first mission trip to Haiti in the summer of 2010. We partnered with the Florida Baptist Convention to clear debris and build semi-permanent shelters provided by Samaritan’s Purse. In God’s providence, we were assigned to stay at the Joy House in Gressier and work with them.
In serving with the staff of the Joy House and several local pastors that week, we forged a bond that has brought us back to work alongside them every summer since. Over the years, our trip activities have varied to best meet the needs identified by our ministry partners — everything from construction to kids’ camps to street evangelism. As we’ve watched the Joy House’s faithfulness to the Lord and their commitment to the people of Haiti, we’ve witnessed firsthand how God has blessed and expanded this ministry.
What a privilege it has been for us to work for the Great Commission and to do so with such amazing people — both from Haiti and Tallahassee. For a trip that started with young adults, we quickly expanded to include college students and then the Youth all the way up through senior adults. In the eight trips that we’ve taken, First Baptist Church has sent 55 different individuals, several going back every year, and each trip including someone new to the team.
Once again, we’re planning to send a mission team back to Haiti this summer (July 21–28, 2018). If this is something you’ve ever thought about doing or you’re just interested in learning more about this ministry, then please join us for an info meeting in the Fellowship Hall this Sunday, November 5, immediately following the Contemporary Worship Service. Lunch will be provided, so please RSVP on Facebook or e-mail me so that we have enough food.
Having recently celebrated the 60th anniversary of our Deaf ministry and completed our 15th annual First Love, I’m also excited about the future of our church’s ministry in Haiti. I can’t wait to see who else God will use and what He will do in and through them — and maybe that includes you.
— Josh