How do you identify the individual God is calling to shepherd His flock at FBCTLH? Please, note that the question is not “how do you identify an individual to be the senior pastor at FBCTLH” There is a big difference! The short answer to the former question is you lean on the Lord for wisdom, guidance, and direction as He leads you to the individual He has chosen. And when you choose to lean on the Lord, you learn to be very patient, least you outrun the Lord. This is how David put it in Psalm 40:1, “I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry.”
For the past 19 months, your pastor search committee has been leaning on the Lord to lead us to the individual God has selected for FBCTLH. This past Sunday saw the 70th meeting as we continue to screen the 800 resumes that were received.
You will recall that out of the 800 resumes received, we have narrowed the number down to a handful and we have been reviewing the applications in depth, listening to countless numbers of sermons and reading answers to questionnaires of each individual from the handful of candidates selected.
Indeed, it will interest you to know that since our last report to the congregation, we have conducted Skype interviews and invited and hosted a number of the shortlisted candidates here in Tallahassee in order to introduce them to our campus. And yes, we have already had prospective candidates in our sanctuary in the cover of darkness. The face-to-face conversations will continue and we have every confidence in the Lord to complete the work He has begun.
Meanwhile, please say a word of appreciation to the very dedicated group of our brothers and sisters; Donna, James, Jeff, Kim, Richard, Stuart, Tina and Tom, they have never ceased to amaze me in their commitment to the call to serve the Lord in this capacity.
Finally, please continue to pray that the Lord will guide us to the man He is preparing for the next season in the life of FBCTLH even as we each prepare our hearts to receive him.

Be blessed,
Seth Y Ablordeppey and the Pastor Search Committee