Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
As I walked around the church, I saw men and women writing prayer grams and painting and sewing pillows and organizing books and knitting. I saw people via Zoom participating from the safety of their homes. As I drove around Tallahassee engaging the various crews, I saw youth and adults alike preparing Christmas Tree bags and food and cleaning up office buildings and repairing driveways and doing yard work and organizing furniture and on and on I could go.
There were more than 150 people physically present at our various locations serving the Kingdom of Jesus by serving the community of Tallahassee. If you add in everyone who participated from home as well as the food drive for ECHO, there were approximately 200 participants in First Love in the year 2020!
Perhaps more than ever, the fellowship and services provided this year were of the utmost importance as we have craved togetherness in a year where isolation has been the norm. I could see the joy in your eyes and could feel the love everywhere I went. I look forward to what the Lord has in store for First Love next year and cannot wait to serve with you again!
To God be the glory!