
Church News


Church Family,

We have an incredible way to serve our community in the name of Jesus. I wanted to write to you so that you are aware of this opportunity and so that you can partner with us. We are hosting four different community fellowship block parties around our city. At each location, we have different pastoral staff members leading.

AJ Henry Park – Gary and Terry
Lafayette Park – Greg and Clay
Optimist Park – Josh and Jenny
The Chiltons’ Home – Jacob and Tom

What is a community fellowship block party? We have invited the neighbors surrounding each location via postcard about the event. That is more than 900 homes! We will be grilling up hotdogs and handing out water. We will have some of our FBCTLH magnetic chip clips with an Easter invitation to give each family. This is a simple yet intentional way to serve those you do not know and invite them to our Easter services. It is that easy.

We need people to help at each location. The church will provide the hotdogs, water, and other necessary supplies. We need grillers and grills. We need those willing to show Christian hospitality. We need prayer warriors. We need you! The beauty of this event is that people of any age can help. There is a place just for you!

Will you help? The community fellowship block parties will take place on Saturday, April 9, from 10:30 AM until 1 PM.

Please contact me with your location preference!

Jacob Chilton
Associate Pastor of Family and Discipleship Ministries