The Tallahassee Boys Choir Concert
- Location: FBCTLH Sanctuary
- Address: 108 W. College Ave
FBCTLH is very proud to welcome The Boys Choir of Tallahassee under the direction of Earle Lee as they present their winter concert in our sanctuary this coming Thursday, December 7 at 6:30PM.
The Boys Choir of Tallahassee is a social service program for males who come from public and private schools throughout the Tallahassee area. The Boys Choir of Tallahassee continues to prepare young men for the twenty-first century through music, discipline, and academic excellence. With the choir requiring no auditions for admission, and its motto “No Excuses,” the Choir continues to grow in popularity on the local, state, national and international level. The program focuses its efforts on counseling and tutoring choir members. There are four major areas of focus. Self-esteem, reading, juvenile justice, and relationships.
Come out and support this amazing choir and enjoy their hour-long concert. A love offering to help support this program will be collected.
For more information, contact: Penny Folsom