God Sightings
On the second floor of the Chason building, one sign remains from “Kingdom Rock” VBS. It’s the “God Sightings” wall: the places, people, and events where children spotted God at work during Bible school. We could probably use a room full of walls to share all the stories of God’s work through First Baptist in the Choir Tour, VBS, and Centrifuge.
At VBS, one boy shared on the God sightings wall that he saw God, “When Jackson asked if Caedmon his brother in the wheelchair could help him get our snacks.” One person who retired from her job earlier in the year was now able to help in Bible school again. She gave a Bible to a boy who did not have one of his own. During choir tour, students ministered to each other during times of anxiety and worry. When they were stressed and tired, they encouraged each other and built up one another. At Centrifuge, one of our students from Florida Baptist Children’s Home shared her faith with a student from another church facing similar circumstances.
Interestingly, none of these happened during a worship service, Bible study, or rehearsal. Each one happened through relationships with others. Each event on the calendar plays an important role in organization, plans, preparation, and character formation. Our groups give us the tools to carry out the work of strengthening each other. The real work begins when very few people are watching. They happen in small clusters because we’ve been equipped to strengthen one another.
One of the sponsors on choir tour shared her favorite Bible verse from Luke 6:38, “Give to others, and you will receive. You will be given much. It will be poured into your hands—more than you can hold. You will be given so much that it will spill into your lap. The way you give to others is the way God will give to you.”
Even though Choir Tour, VBS, and Centrifuge are in the rear view mirror of the calendar, their collective impact is still being felt when lives touch others. You are a giving church, and God’s blessings continue to flow. Keep your eyes open.