If the mission of First Baptist Church of Tallahassee is to find and follow Jesus, how do we, its members, accomplish this mission? At the heart of FBCTLH’s mission is the great commission (Matthew 28:18-20), and though some steps in this Biblical mandate are clear, others still may be more elusive. For example, what is a disciple, and how does one become a disciple-maker? The two photos below model both the heart and method of discipleship: equip and send. Look closely. You see the cast photo from this summer’s children’s musical, Mission Possible: Sharing the Gospel by Our Love. In the picture below it, the Children’s Choir is pictured right before leaving for their First Love missional outreach to three local retirement homes in Tallahassee. Can you see it?
![](https://fbctlh.org/wp-content/uploads/Screenshot-2023-10-09-at-4.58.39 PM-300x200.jpg)
Jesus “appointed twelve, so that they would be with Him and that He could send them out” (Mark 3:14; Luke 9:1-2). Jesus modeled discipleship by equipping His disciples. He chose twelve to be with Him in His presence so that they may imitate Him. Likewise, the Children’s Choir musical served as a powerful equipping platform where children were not only taught about the gospel but were encouraged to share it through their love and talents. As the cast learned to imitate their characters and the many adult volunteers poured into them, they were equipped to receive the gospel and the mission of sharing it with others as God designed each of them to uniquely do. Once equipped with the love of God through Jesus Christ and His instruction, they were ready to be sent. Armed with the lessons learned during their musical journey, the children actively followed Jesus in reciting His word and leading songs of worship. The children further demonstrated the love of God for others in not only their words but also in their actions, as each child made custom bookmarks and door hangers for the residents in their audience. Their acts of kindness and love were tangible expressions of their faith, effectively sharing the gospel through their deeds. This approach aligns with the Great Commission given by Jesus, where He instructs His disciples to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them and teaching them to observe His commandments.
First Baptist Church of Tallahassee’s commitment to equipping and sending even its youngest disciples is a testament to the transformative power of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It lights the path of discipleship and disciple-making for all to witness. It testifies to the effective holistic approach to discipleship modeled by Jesus and clearly aligns with FBCTLH’s mission to find and follow Jesus and to help others do the same. Thank you, First Baptist Church of Tallahassee, for your generous support through prayer and the love offering made during our children’s musical performance. Though the mission is not complete, FBCTLH we are moving together as one body in all generations as disciples of Jesus Christ, finding and following our Lord Jesus as He continues to lead the mission. Keep going!