
Church News


On November 10, 1849, nine men and women covenanted together before God as the First Baptist Church in Tallahassee, Fla. This year, on November 10, 2024, we will celebrate our 175th anniversary as a church.

Jesus promised his disciples that he would build his church upon the rock of our confession of faith in him, and that as long as we stood upon that rock, not even the gates of hell would prevail against us (Matthew 16:16-18). In marking this anniversary, we are really marking God’s faithfulness to us over generations, how the gospel has advanced and continues to advance among us. It is only by God’s grace that we continue to be his people in this place after so long.

At the same time, a milestone such as this one is not only a time to focus on where we have been and how far we have come, but to consider where God is taking us. As long as we continue to stand on Christ by standing on his gospel and his Word, we can trust that God will continue to build us up and advance his kingdom purposes in and through us. This celebration is our affirmation and anticipation of many more years faithfully worshipping, serving, and being on mission for Jesus.

Throughout the rest of this year there are several things we will do that will emphasize and bring a special focus to honor and celebrate our 175th anniversary. We have special times of recognition during key moments of our worship and ministry calendar, such as Easter, our Springtime Tallahassee outreach, Youth Choir, VBS, our Winterfest Tallahassee outreach, and Christmas. We will also have several special events throughout the year, including a college ministry reunion, an event honoring the history of WMU in our church, a special concert, and a Bible conference. The weekend of November 10 (which happens to fall on a Sunday this year), will be our 175th anniversary celebration with a combined worship service, lunch, and special program.

Please be on the lookout as we begin rolling out dates for these events. Please also take some time to thank God for his faithfulness to us as a church, and to pray that we would continue to experience his grace and blessing. I look forward to celebrating with you this year!

God bless,

Pastor Gary's Signature