God is With Us
Advent collides with our Hallmark sense of timing. Just when we’ve finished the Thanksgiving turkey, headed out the door for the Black Friday sales, or checked another score from the never-ending series of games, suddenly the church starts talking about Jesus’ return. We sing, “O Come, O Come Emmanuel,” while everyone else sings, “Deck the Halls.” But isn’t that how it should be?
Long before anyone ever recognized it, God worked behind the scenes in life to intervene in the family of Father Abraham and King David. They had been sidetracked by scandals and sinners, difficulties and defeats. But God wasn’t finished with them… or us yet. Through the work of the Holy Spirit, he conceived his Son Jesus Christ, and gave birth to a new generation of believers we call the church.
Providentially, as Mary, Joseph, and the magi followed orders from God, they changed their family and demonstrated a way of life that we can follow today. Join us this Sunday as we begin the season of Advent at First Baptist. It will give you a break from the countdown to Christmas. And you will receive a gift worth taking home… that God is with us.