Responsible Stewardship
Before Kelly and I visited Israel in 2011, we updated our will to make sure our families were cared for through our estate. Stewardship is a responsibility we take personally in life and death. I want to invite you to an important seminar designed to help you plan and provide for the people and church that mean so much to you.
The Endowment Committee is hosting a free Estate Planning Dinner and Seminar on this Tuesday, June 17, at 6:00PM in Fellowship Hall. Brenda McCollum, attorney and team strategist in the Endowed Giving Office of the Florida Baptist Convention, will be our guest speaker. She will address the basics of a will, living trusts, and the importance of a durable power of attorney. She will also discuss various ways you may use your estate plan to leave a legacy of faith for our church and/or other Baptist ministries. For those who attend the seminar, Brenda will also be available at no charge for consultation on Wednesday, June 18.
First Baptist is blessed by a generous membership. Not only do you support us on a weekly basis, but many have chosen to leave a lasting legacy through the First Baptist Endowment. This year, we honor one family that continues to leave a lasting footprint on our church. The Fran and Nancy Buhler endowment will perpetuate the legacy of two of FBC’s finest and support the ministries that are especially close to Fran and Nancy’s hearts at First Baptist. You will have the opportunity to hear more about this fund on June 17 and many other ways to remember FBC in your estate plans.
Please RSVP to the church office by Sunday, June 15. Everyone needs a will. By including the church in your plans, you leave a lasting legacy for future generations. We look forward to seeing you for this important evening.