Making a Difference
How do over 400 volunteers make a difference in one day in Tallahassee? Just ask one of the recipients from Saturday’s annual First Love event.
I had the privilege of working with a wheelchair ramp team on Laura Street. We served Michael Scott, a disabled man originally from Massachusetts. With no family in Tallahassee, Mike is on his own. We connected to Mike through Ability First. With the help of Rigsby Jones and many others, we were able to install two wheelchair ramps—one for the side of his porch, the other for the front. His porch was shaped in such a way that every time Mike tried to descend to his yard, he usually got stuck on a tree root—especially in rain-soaked mud. Mike said that his neighbors did not help him much so he usually called the police. Thanks to First Love, Mike’s not stuck any more.
I had a chance to talk with Mike and share my faith with him. He’s a believer in Christ and a very gracious recipient. He shows us what unconditional love for your neighbor as yourself is all about. He has learned to receive humbly and gratefully. He could not say enough about how much he appreciated the work.
Today, Mike lives with the consequences of decisions he made when he was 21, but his disabilities have not diminished his spirit, zest for life, or love for God. Check out Mike’s brief video, and thank the Lord for the opportunity to make an impact in Tallahassee.