A Thankful Season
As we pause this weekend to thank God with friends and families, this past week is another reminder of how grateful I am to be your pastor. Thank you for loving Tallahassee last week. Zach Allen and our team of college workers, faculty, staff, and students have been on the scene since Thursday. We are so blessed by a church that invests in college ministry and volunteers so faithfully. Zach has been involved at every level of the response to the FSU crisis. He had the chance to preach to over 500 students on Thursday night and share the gospel with many. Each of our staff has played an important role in responding to the needs.
Because of the relatively early cold snap, we have welcomed over 200 guests and volunteers to the Cold Night Shelter in the CLC throughout late October and November. Hannah Singletary, our Director of Volunteer Engagement, has been working faithfully with Leon County Disaster Management, the Shelter staff, and our CLC and custodial staff. Thank you to each person who has volunteered. We will continue to host the Cold Night Shelter until December 26. Our volunteers are responsible for Tuesday evenings through the winter.
Thank you for delivering so many Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes Sunday. Through your combined efforts, we received over 390 shoeboxes on Sunday.
Just as you donated shoeboxes to send overseas, please help us with a special ministry for the Leon County Jail. Each year, we collect new, unsigned, unsealed Christmas cards and envelopes for prisoners to use in the Leon County Jail. Volunteers deliver these cards to the chaplain at the jail so that prisoners can send these cards to their loved ones. Our goal is 3,000 cards, and the deadline is Sunday, December 7. Please drop these cards in the Connect Center or at the Welcome Desk. Volunteers will assemble the cards and deliver them to the jail.
We begin Advent next week with an appropriate theme: ChristmasTime. You’ll be receiving more information by email about these important worship services. Enjoy your Thanksgiving!