Updates on the Young Family
Last Thursday, Jenna Young shared with me that she is planning to retire from ministry so that she can better care for her husband Ray and his needs. As many of you know, Ray’s health has been declining over the last few weeks. Despite several trips to the doctor, his condition is still a mystery—a cause of multiple undiagnosed issues surrounding his kidneys.
I have been friends with the Young family for over 40 years; her son Britt and I are both graduates of Truett Seminary. I understand how difficult this decision is for them. Jenna has served twice on our staff, most recently in the last two years as Minister of Pastoral Care, Senior Adults, and Single Focus. She has excelled in her calling personally and professionally. As I shared with her, she is like the “Bridge over Troubled Water” for many people in our community. She has brought many prodigals to faith and trust in Jesus and connected so many individuals into the life of our church. I will dearly miss her encouragement, service, and support in these past years.
At her request, we will not be honoring her with a reception. She and Ray plan to return to the life of our church family as, Lord willing, Ray’s health improves. In her retirement letter, she writes, “Over 30 years ago I first sensed God’s calling for my life to be dedicated to ministry. Over the years, this calling has led me to serve in different capacities and in different venues that have stretched me, helped me grow, and helped mold me into the person I am today. For these past two years, it has been a joy and privilege to serve many different groups within our church. It is with great appreciation, sincere thankfulness, and genuine belief that the best of years of First Baptist Tallahassee are still to come.”
I’ve asked John Rice to lead us as we fill the roles in the interim that Jenna played in our church. Senior Adults, Pastoral Care, and SingleFocus ministries are vitally important in the life our church. Someone of Jenna’s caliber and capacity is not quickly replaced without prayer and discernment. Our staff, in consultation with the personnel committee, will be reviewing this position, assessing our current ministry needs, and making plans for the future. Please pray as we seek God’s direction. Even more urgently, please continue to pray for Ray’s health to improve and for Jenna as his primary caregiver. Surround them with your cards and emails of support and concern in the days to come.
I look forward to connecting with you, our church body, together this weekend. See you Friday evening!