
Pastor’s Blog


This Sunday, you have an opportunity to be ushered into the presence of the Almighty and to bring others with you. At six o’clock, our music ministry will present the musical “Behold Our God,” which will also be interpreted for the deaf. Please make plans to join us for this meaningful time of worship and reflection, and be sure to invite family and friends to come with you. To help prepare us for Sunday evening, I have asked Penny Folsom, our minister of music, to describe the musical and the theme for us.

— Josh

Everyone loves Baby Jesus. Even casual observers find it easy to warm up to this Sweet Little Jesus Boy away in a manger — no crying He makes. It’s such a great story. Even to those who don’t believe — it’s a captivating and engaging tale. A poor girl visited by an angel; a miraculous pregnancy; an exhausting ride on a donkey to Bethlehem; no room in the inn; a baby born in a barn among sheep and cattle; a magnificent star; more angels; bewildered shepherds; royal visitors from far away. Even if it wasn’t a tale of the divine, we would be intrigued by it. Unfortunately, that is as far as some of us ever get. Intrigued.

The problem is that this Christmas story is so very much more than a story. It is God Himself, seated on His throne, yet sleeping in a straw bed; holding the planets in place, yet grasping Joseph’s finger. It is the Alpha and Omega, ungoverned by the dimensions of time and space, but confining himself to a specific moment in a dirty and uncomfortable place. It is the Father of all creation becoming a son to a simple Jewish girl and a carpenter. It is the eternal “I Am” beginning a 33-year journey among us during which He would be largely rejected and ultimately murdered by His own. It was the fullness of Deity within a helpless baby.

Colossians 2:9 tells us “For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form.” When we look upon the face of the baby in a manger, we behold our God. A story such as this requires more than intrigue. It requires worship, surrender, and transformation.

Please join the Sanctuary Choir, Orchestra, Praise Team, and Youth Choir this Sunday evening at 6:00PM in the Sanctuary as we lead our congregation to “Behold Our God.”

He will reign forever. Nothing can compare. Come let us adore Him.

— Penny

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