
Pastor’s Blog


This Sunday, we’ll celebrate our high school seniors as they prepare for graduation and look ahead to the next chapter in their lives. This is a special time of transition that’s filled with plenty of anticipation and probably some anxiety for both the graduates and their families.

As we approach milestones like this, I’m grateful for a church that actively invests in the lives of our children and youth. From volunteers holding babies in the nursery and changing diapers so young parents can participate in Bible study and worship all the way through cheering for them in their caps and gowns, our church is committed to introducing young people to Jesus and teaching them to follow Him — regardless of whether they were born at First Baptist Church or just became a part of our fellowship in the past year.

For all of you who’ve had a part in the lives of our seniors, I want to say “Thank you!” Whether you took a meal to a family with a newborn, taught Sunday School, volunteered for extended session, donated to a fundraiser, worked with GAs or RAs, served as a chaperone, helped with choir, provided a scholarship, drove the bus, opened your home for Disciple Now, helped during VBS, or served in any number of countless ways, you’ve been used by the Lord to bless these precious lives.

But such a celebration is also a call to action — or a call to continued action. Because until Jesus returns, we must continue to reach young people with the gospel of Jesus Christ and make disciples. So for those who serve, I pray the Lord gives you strength to continue. And for those who are looking to serve, I pray the Lord moves you to join us as we grow His kingdom and make an eternal impact on our children and youth.

Even though graduation feels like a finish line, we know it’s not the end. So we must continue to show our love and support to these seniors and families in the days and years ahead. Some may stay closer to home while others move across the country, but all will need your continued prayers and messages of concern and encouragement.

And just as we send, we also receive. Let the upcoming high school graduations be a reminder that we’ll soon be receiving someone else’s departing sons and daughters as our arriving college students. So just as you pray for ours who’ll leave, you can help be the answer to someone else’s prayers by caring for their children and grandchildren who come to Tallahassee. This seems like another way we, as a church, can fulfill Jesus’ command in Luke: “Just as you want others to do for you, do the same for them.”

— Josh Hall