While summer doesn’t officially begin until June 21, for those of us who live in Florida, and for those of us with children, summer has begun.
With the summer season right around the corner, that also means that vacation Bible school is almost here as well! Every summer for one week, FBCTLH becomes a spiritual playground for kids in pre-K–uprising 6th graders. With creative themes and the help of dozens of volunteers, children throughout the city of Tallahassee come to learn more about God and his love for them.
The title of this year’s theme is Roar: Life is wild, God is good! Focusing on the goodness of God, regardless of circumstances and situations, children will learn that God loves them, cares for them, and is with them no matter what. This year’s theme uses the example of the Israelites as slaves in Egypt to help communicate these lessons. Christin Wright, A.A. to Children and Weekday Education, is heading up this year’s VBS and believes that this year’s focus and theme is an important one for children to learn. “Even though the Israelites were slaves in Egypt, and it was unfair, God was still in control and was sovereign through their suffering.” She continues, “When life is crazy, God is still good. When life is wild, God is good. Even when life is good, God is good. No matter what happens, God is good.”
A typical VBS day begins with everyone meeting in the Sanctuary after drop off for a time of worship and an introduction to the Bible theme for the day. After this, the groups will dismiss to activities and workshops in smaller groups delving deeper into the day’s theme. Before the day wraps up, everyone meets again in the Sanctuary for more worship and a recap of the focus and lesson for the day.
One of the more exciting things about VBS at FBCTLH is that it provides an opportunity to extend the day with an afternoon camp. First Baptist offers 3 camps after VBS for only $125/child. The 3 camps available are a basketball camp, a cheerleading camp, and a fine arts camps. All 3 camps are open to boys or girls who have completed kindergarten–5th grade. This is a great opportunity for those working parents who are looking for a place to send their child for the week that not only provides not only physical development but spiritual as well.
In order to help pull off such an impactful week of ministry, it takes the work of many, many people. At least 60 volunteers are needed to successfully prepare and pull of VBS. If you have been looking for a way to #LoveTLH, seriously consider volunteering. VBS will be from June 17–21 from 9:00AM–12:00PM, and if you’ve never worked with kids before, that’s OK. Adequate training and preparation will be provided to you. Sign up to serve at bit.ly/vbshelps or contact Christin Wright for more information.
If you haven’t signed up your child for VBS yet, registration is open at fbctlh.org/vbs. Consider signing up your child for an afternoon camp as well. Campers will receive a cool t-shirt and get to have fun developing physically and spiritually. And remember, even when life is unfair, scary, sad, or changes, God is good.