
Pastor’s Blog


I am excited to announce that this Sunday, June 23, we will have a special called business meeting at the end of both of our services to vote on calling an Associate Pastor of Children and Family Ministry. We have been praying and searching several months for God’s candidate for this position, and I believe he has answered our prayers. During this meeting, we will hear from our candidate, both his testimony and his call to this position, and then we will vote on calling him to FBCTLH.

The primary responsibility of this position will be to serve our church by directing, coordinating, overseeing, and continuing to develop our ministry to children, the next generation, and families. This will involve leading a comprehensive ministry for our children as well as helping to develop and lead a discipleship ministry for parents and families that trains and encourages parents to disciple their children in and through our church.

Our goal is a clear discipleship path for everyone in our church, from birth until Jesus calls us home. We want to help people of every age come to know who Jesus is, believe in him, commit their lives to him, begin serving others in his name, and go into this world as his followers on mission for him. This position will be tasked with helping to make sure we are doing this with our children, even as they transition to their teenage years, to college, and then beyond.

Before our special called business meeting on June 23, there will be an opportunity to meet and greet our candidate and his family, as well as an informal time to talk and ask questions. This will be from 9:00AM–11:00AM this Saturday morning, June 22, in the Quad in the CLC building (right outside of our youth ministry area). You will be able to enter the building through the CLC doors.

Let me tell you a little about our candidate before you meet him. He is married with two sons, ages one and three. In addition to a bachelor’s degree in leadership and Christian education, he has a seminary degree in theological studies and is about to graduate with his second seminary degree, a Master of Divinity. He has several years of experience in children and family ministry, in Alabama, New York City, and Florida. His expressed desire is to teach the Word of God, pour his life into children and families, and be a Light Bearer, Cross Carrier, and Gospel Deliverer.

I hope you will be able to come out this weekend, both to meet our candidate and his family and to participate in our meeting to call them to our church. I also hope you will be praying for them and for our church as we seek God’s will and look forward to all of the wonderful things he is going to do.

Pastor Gary Signature