2024 Senior Pastor Search

2024 Senior Pastor Search

First Baptist Church of Tallahassee is seeking God’s will as we search for a full-time Senior Pastor. The church has tasked the Pastor Search Committee with facilitating this process. The members of the Pastor Search Committee are:

Lori Bouck
Paul Edewaard
Ashley Hall
Alan Langston (Chairperson)
Linda Smith
Johnathan Spencer
Bill Webb

Ex-Officio Members, established as non-voting members, are:
John Corven (Deacon Chairman)
Lisa Eikeland (Personnel Committee Chairperson)
Steve Sparkman (Deacon Chair Elect)

The Pastor Search Committee was approved by the Church at our June 5, 2024, Special Called Business Meeting. Since that time, they have been diligently working and praying for the leadership of the Holy Spirit. Their work has been aided by the review of important church documents (strategic plans and strategic plan updates) and information produced in our most recent pastor searches. Three areas of work have included: 1) review of the updated Senior Pastor Job Description developed by the Personnel Committee, 2) review of established personnel policies regarding open positions and existing pastoral staff members, and 3) development of initial screening questions for prospective candidates. Links to documents regarding these three work items are found below under “Available Documents.”

Please continue to pray for the Search Committee and for the man that God has prepared to be our next Senior Pastor. If you have any questions or comments about the search or the information provided, please feel free to contact us or e-mail srpastorsearch@fbctlh.org.

Available Documents
Senior Pastor Position Description Revised 6.2024
Pastor Search Committee Statement on Current Pastoral Staff
Pastoral Candidate Screening Questionnaire